As an IT geek, I know that blogging will have a long life because of the evolution of the internet from a museum of static business-related information to a more mainstream utility of personalized window shopping. As for not having time, anyone who really knows me knows that I have a lot of leisure time on my hands that - if used properly - could actually be fruitful.
So, I'm jumping into the blogsphere but with a twist. (Yeah, I know what you're thinking. That Eugene just can't do things the way everyone else does.) Well, my hope is that my foray into the blogsphere will be both beneficial to you and therapeutic for me.
My intention for my blog is not to post updates on the latest on our family (I may start a separate site for that). Personally, I'd rather that I see our friends and family in the flesh than read about you in HTML. Nor is my blog going to be a soapbox to state positions and opinions. Although, many of the topics will likely be opinionated (of course, this is me - Eugene - writing it). Instead, it will have a very simple theme: The Thoughts of a Sinner [Saved By Grace].
What in the world are you talking about Eugene?
One of the problems with our multimedia rich, $1-million-per-30-second-advertisement, news-flash-driven, GPS-guided, I'll-call-you-from-the-car culture is that we don't spend enough time in pensive states. How much time do we spend pondering - not just any random topic but rather well-guided thoughts? Whether you are a Christian or not, spending time to think through anything worth thinking about is a healthy exercise.
My blog is my attempt at putting some of my thoughts in a public forum to accomplish two goals:
- Inspire others to think through similar topics and it's application/effect on their respective lives and...
- Point some to Christ **
** Many of these thoughts may be of or around spiritual matters. However, others may have little to do with eternal things and may actually be more carnal than spiritual.
WARNING (Before you continue):
Some of the topics I bring up will likely "rub some people the wrong way" or even offend. While that is not my intent for this site, it will impossible to avoid this because of reasons such as below:
- I desire to spur many to love and good deeds by considering issues that some would find insightful at the same time that it may anger others.
- My thoughts are uncomfortable to some.
- My thoughts are those which others see as a "hill to die on" but I may not.
Whether you are encouraged or made angry, consoled or troubled, unmoved or spurred, at least I have made you think through something that hopefully is good for you to consider.
Enjoy the site! (I hope.)
Nice blog. With thougthfulness and prayer, the blob can be a wonderful place of conversation and dialogue.
To me this is the brilliance of the internet. Anonymous but effectively social.
My realization, as we have been going through the Kings for the second time in my ministry life,is how consistent, the experiences of the godly kings and their failure are to the warnings of the apostle's.
Who while never giving up the gospel, and the call to freedom in Christ, nor minimizing His Awsome triumph at Calvary, nevertheless, fervently warned us to " Make our calling and election sure"
And to strive not to fall, By continually looking to Christ,
Heb 12:1-4
Write, and they will come!
By Grace,alone
I can't wait to be offended! :)
Seriously though, nice blog. Always good to be challenged in our Biblical & carnal thinking. Love you bro!
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