Sunday, February 1, 2009

Would God Save Through a Lie? - Intro

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Part I
Part II

Many recent discussions with close friends, trusted mentors and fellow believers have led to asking some very important questions that I've personally wrestled with for about six years. These events have sharpened me to again search the scriptures to "see if these things were so" as the Bereans did. The next few articles will try to address these questions/issues. Some of the answers may be difficult to accept but I hope and pray that you consider the clear teachings from the scriptures on these topics.

Below are the questions I'll raise in this series:

When a preacher teaches that a man is saved by their choice (Freewill, Arminianism, etc.) plus God's grace, is he preaching a false gospel?

Consequently, could a man be saved through such a preaching?

If a man merely reads the scriptures but never is given a man of God to share the gospel with him, could he come to a saving knowledge of Christ?

These are serious questions because their application runs deep and can lead to some very personal questions such as those below:

If I pray for my [insert closest family member here] who is steeped in Catholicism but never share the gospel with her, would God work to save her?

What if I give my [insert closest family member here] a bible, then pray? Would God work through that?

My sister goes to an Arminian church. They preach Christ there. I've been there. Wouldn't God save through that preaching?

These are uncomfortable questions to wrestle with but the Spirit has graciously given us answers in the Scriptures. I pray that the Spirit would lead us to only the truth as it is in Christ.

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