Sunday, March 15, 2009

Boldness That I Envy

Leilani and I just had lunch with a couple from church that we are getting to know. I asked them where in ministry do they wish to serve. Their response humbled me and was a challenge to evangelize more boldly.

They told us that they like to visit people in public and bring discussions to a biblical direction. A recent habit of theirs is to go to street fairs and visit the religious booths challenging them to consider the truths of Scripture as they pertain to their false teachings. Expectedly, they are faced with some animosity and anger but often times are overheard by many in the vicinity which are presented with the gospel message in the discussion.

Other times they go to weekly meetings of other churches and ask questions challenging the teacher where from the Scripture he gets a particular conclusion or statement from. They they try to turn the discussion to one that extols Christ and His work.

What boldness! I may not approach those situations the same way, but that's me and they are themselves used of God. We share a similar passion to make Christ known but applied in a slightly different method. Regardless, I found myself envious of their boldness at times. I praise God for granting such faith to members of the body so that we might all be fitted together for His glory and name's sake.

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